carried an article taken from iPhoneItalia . com:
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tissue Anchors Body Organs
carried an article taken from iPhoneItalia . com:
Let's start by 3Italia and offers
ZeroTop (subscription)
The traffic (voice or SMS) monthly total to a single operator, not 3, should be less than 60% of the total outgoing traffic. In practice, do not qualify if you send SMS messages or phone calls to Tim, Vodafone and Wind in excess of 60% of the total traffic.
- The total minutes of calls received during the month must exceed 10% of the total minutes of calls per month. This means that if you have called for 100 minutes, you should have received telephone calls at least 10 minutes to qualify traffic (voice or SMS) total monthly performed and / or received
- n national roaming should be less than 70% of the total outgoing traffic and / or incoming. Translated: you can not call in roaming (so for example using the Vodafone network there where no 3) for more than 70% of the total. The same goes for SMS. What happens if I do not fulfill even one of these clauses? "Where the 3 network systems will be met even one of the above conditions, upon notice to customer, 3 reserves the right to apply the economic conditions of TuaNove Rate Plan. "
- [on]
icaricabile , the only clause in the supply of 3GB of monthly data that can be used only under the cover 3. The offer will also be free only until December, then we must pay 5 € per month. We analyze the hours Vodafone clauses. The most important are the following:
For customers with top Easier Medium refillability
and the cost of calls made with the basic tariff and other services not included in the plan will be deducted from the amount of traffic Rechargeable. In the event that the monthly contribution is not paid calls will be 29 cents per minute rates with no connection fee and charging the second The customer must observe the criteria of good faith and fairness in the plan
- ; assumes
- improper use in good faith if the voice traffic exceeds 10,000 minutes per month. The plan Vodafone Easier Large iPhone includes 1,000 minutes for all and 200 to 3 while the Vodafone plan Easier Extra Large iPhone includes 2,000 minutes for all and 500 to 3. Finally we analyze TIM
- . To limit misuse, traffic will not exceed 5 GB per month. Navigation is only valid if you use the apn apn ee
: 1000 minutes voice to call all national landlines and mobile numbers including a maximum of 200 numbers to the mobile operator Tre. All-Inclusive UNLIMITED: 5000 minutes voice to call all national landlines and mobile numbers, including a maximum of 500 numbers to the mobile operator Tre.
- Update:
- these clauses are present in tenders for the iPhone But sifting through the site and thanks to feedback from our users, we discovered that Tim and Vodafone have clauses similar to those of 3Italia. Here we go:
- VODAFONE Vodafone Easier For plans, in addition to the General Conditions of Contract in force, apply the following additional limitations:
traffic (voice and / or SMS) daily and / or monthly total to Others Operators no more than 80% of the total outgoing traffic traffic (voice and / or SMS) daily and / or monthly total to a single operator, Vodafone, not more than 60% of the total outgoing traffic
Where the systems Vodafone network proves to overcome one of the thresholds above Vodafone reserves the right to apply, upon notice to the customer, the economic conditions of the Anytime price plan. It is no longer expected to pay the monthly contribution plan Vodafone easier.
Personal use is defined according to a standard profile of traffic that meets at least three of the following parameters: a.
- traffic daily outgoing developed for SIM not more than 160 minutes; b. developed for SIM outgoing traffic per month up to 1250 minutes;
- c. Daily outbound traffic to the Vodafone network does not exceed 80% of total daily traffic outgoing; d. relationship between traffic total daily outgoing and incoming daily traffic of not more than 4.
- The passing of at least two of these parameters is inconsistent with personal use.
The Customer is required to use the Service only for personal use, according to art. 2.2, and solely by the mobile radio apparatus. It 'may not, therefore, use of the Service that would affect the characteristics and / or the fee profile by any equipment other than radio apparatus referred to in Article 1.1 (which, by way of example only, the modem gsm to use voice). Under these conditions Overall, the personal use of the service is defined according to a standard profile of traffic that meets at least two of the following parameters:
a) daily traffic outgoing LINE developed for not more than 160 minutes or 200 SMS;
b) traffic LINE monthly outgoing developed for no more than 1250 minutes and / or SMS 2000; c) daily traffic outbound to the mobile network to TIM Telecom no more than 80% of the total daily traffic outgoing; d) the relationship between voice and SMS daily total outgoing traffic and incoming voice and SMS daily total does not exceed 4. TIM
- --------------------
- As can be seen from the various clauses
requires a minimal amount of traffic only monthly, as 3Italia, but also daily, while Tim
, that the "hidden" in a special page
, has provisions very similar to H3G, although strangely includes a number of minutes out of his net. Both involve restrictions for calls to 3. From
user experiences, however, shows that these clauses are used rarely and only to prevent abuses in the use of individual bids. We apologize to users for the incompleteness of this initial article, but find all the terms it was more difficult than expected. We take the opportunity also to thank everyone who helped us in this work, hoping to have done something agreeable to everyone.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Level E English Vocab Answer
I only use it 3 times a year and then they put it down? Let well!