Monday, August 31, 2009

Main Objectives Animal Welfare Act 2006

GMail can not attach files

not always
happens because if you are connected via a WiFi router in Alice Gate 2 Plus Wi-Fi: The file is not attached and you get an error message.
This is particularly the case with Mac OSX, but also with Windows.
Looking around on the net, first in the support forum on Google and then on various blogs and other forums, I fortunately stumbled upon this blog:
Issues upload (Web and FTP) with Alice Gate 2 Plus Wi-Fi
Mirko Grewing.

These problemisembrano generated by the failure to support window scaling
and all ' ECN by some modem Alice.
The solution is to disable window scaling and if necessary also the ECN.
Good Mirko explains everything in his post and also provides scripts for both Mac and Windows, to work around the problem:

Mac OS: AppleScript -> look for the box
green with the words "Download Mac OS Configurator for TCP Alice (v0.1)

  • here Windows Vista -> look for the green box that says "Download Alice Modem Vista -> here