Monday, May 14, 2007

What Temperatures Are Dangerous To Rabbits

Bollywood Bollywood film festival, Bologna, Italy

Hello everyone,

I know, we haven't written for quite sometime now, the reason is that we are participating in the next bollywood film meeting which is in Bologna on the 1- 2-3 of June 2007.
These days we are giving technical assistance and doing translations for this event and we will not be able to do the translations for the movies in this blog, right now.
Soon we'll give you all the details for the film festival, the address and everything in case someone wants to come :).

Ciao a tutti,

Lo sappiamo, non abbiamo scritto da un bel reason is that when we are participating at the next meeting for the Bollywood film festival in Bologna, in preparation for the June 2007 1-2-3.
These days we are planning to Techichi part of the rally and the films will be shown ... so for reasons of time we will not be able to temporarily perform other translations.
Soon the site will post the prices and some more details on the meeting for those interested.

A & M


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