Thursday, November 26, 2009

Glucosamine Causes Gout?

Zagor comic adventure for the 100 years of Italian comic

On the occasion of the newsstands, November 25, 2009, of Zagor. adventure, ninth in the series register 100 years of Italian comic we have added to the Encyclopedia of Comics in Slumberland two entries for comics on the volume.
are present at dawn Zagor (two stories long) and three short stories Gim Toro (only one phase), Buck Rogers and Smith, Topeka.
And it is these two characters that we wanted to give space to Slumberland with the publication of their comic pages to the following links: Buck Rogers - Topeka Smith . For full details
affixed on the comic strip dedicated to Zagora and adventurous go to the link Zagor. adventure.

addition to the volume of the 100 years of Italian comic, was yesterday published the book No Story Alan Ford 4, containing a reprint of Alan Ford stories A trip to San Guerreta and Christmas tree. All the info by following the highlighted link: No Story Alan Ford 4 .


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