Tuesday, March 16, 2010

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Old Comic Courier dei Piccoli Corriere dei Ragazzi and with 100 years of Italian comic

We have repeatedly reported on the pages of this blog books published during the series 100 years of Italian comic , edited by Corriere della Sera and Gazzetta dello Sport .

More than ever we feel duty-bound to report the volume presents the newsstands since last week and the one on sale from tomorrow, the first on the comics published in the Corriere dei Piccoli and Corriere dei Ragazzi.

The first, entitled Bonaventure. La banda del Corrierino , is on newsstands from Tuesday, March 9, it is a wonderful book full of comic books 'Historical' Italian (not just the Bonaventure title but many others as Sor Pampurio , Redipicche , Pimpa , etc).

The second, on newsstands from Tuesday, March 16, titled Nick Carter. Those of Corriere dei Ragazzi , and, like the previous one, contains a selection of the best comics published, this time on Corriere dei Ragazzi. Comics
the likes of Johnny Focus and de The Aristocrats Nick Carter and of course the of Bonvi and De Maria, who gives the title to be involved.

We took advantage of the opportunity to review the volume of the series dedicated to Nick Carter The classic comic strip of the Republic - Gold Series ( Nick Carter - Large surveys ) in order to compare the stories posted on the two volumes as soon as we 'list of those published in the series 100 Years of Italian comics. Visit

explanatory files in volumes in the coming days to get all the information.


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