Monday, March 7, 2011

Wooden Prints For Swingset

The unobtainable phyllo dough ...

Before finding the phyllo dough I think I've shot at least 20 supermarkets (I'm not kidding!) .. Years ago, I always found the lidl but the last time I went to had vanished. Eventually I bought at the Coop in the frozen bank. Too bad it's so hard to find because it is a light meal and very versatile.
fact if you want to tell me that the supermarkets are. :-)
propose to you today as a starter.

Baskets of phyllo dough with beans, cabbage and smoked cheese Roman

Ingredients (for 6 bins)

1 medium cabbage Roman

scamorza 300 grams of beans and salt to taste oil

Getting Started: Boil the beans Roman and cabbage. I preferred to cook both in the steamer for 15 minutes each.

Take a sheet of phyllo dough and fold it in half. Lined previously oiled aluminum molds.

Put on the bottom of the molds of the pieces of smoked cheese.

In a bowl, season the cabbage and beans with oil and beans. Put everything in baskets to the brim.

Bake in preheated oven at 200 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Check the cooking because the phyllo dough burns easily!

If you like (I do!) Served with a generous sprinkling of pepper! :-)

Hydrogen Peroxide Herpes Genital

Rolls vegetable ragout with potatoes

Dear friends, always there, lately I prepare meals without having neither time nor ingredients .... always the last second and then here come these recipes speedy, light and really could do without all of you need to go out to buy ingredients. The potatoes have very few calories, 71 grams per 100, according to become calorie cooking sauces and boiled, but are very good and very light. Filling, they are rich in vitamins, potassium, minerals than boiling ... but many vitamins are lost and also the cooking time is long so I wanted to try to cook in the microwave. The result is the same as you would with the traditional procedure except that the time is halved and the water-soluble vitamins resist. It would be advisable to eat with the skin but I do not trust, then take it off better. Now, after following the advice of the grandmother who is caring for me, put on your apron and get ready for dinner!

Ingredients 3 / 4 people

3-4 thin slices of veal
2-3 slices of ham 2-3 slices of cheese slices

2 carrots 1 onion 1 stalk celery

can of peeled 1 / 2 red pepper (optional) 1 cube of meat
(without glutamate, check)

For Sale
potatoes 3-4 medium potatoes (depending on how many they want to eat)
Chopped parsley
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil Salt

Black pepper (optional)

Procedure (for meat)
Peel and diced onion, celery and carrots. Transfer the pan and pour on water to cover vegetables. While waiting for the water to evaporate the rolls prepared by spreading a thin slice on the tray (if necessary flatten the meat with the beat) and filling it with half (or whole) and half a slice of ham slices light, rolled all the stops and roll with toothpicks. Do the same with all other slices. At this point the water should have evaporated then add the can of tomatoes and nut meat. Let heat and transfer the rolls of flesh on the sauce, cover with the saucepan lid and let it go, stirring occasionally until it's done (about 15min)!

Procedure (for potatoes)
Take the potatoes, bucherellatele with a toothpick and place them in the microwave by placing the maximum temperature. Let them 15 minutes and then turn it, insert a skewer to check for consistency. If you still seem raw, leave them for another 15 minutes, but if they seem soft enough, leave them for another 5-10 minutes. Each microwave is different, so I can not be more precise than that but I'm sure you know juggling controlling the cooking as I have said. The times they are usually, but have firsthand!
Once the potatoes are ready, peel and place in a bowl, mash with a ladle and add salt, black pepper, a tablespoon of olive oil and chopped parsley. Place 1.2 tablespoons for each dish, you can enjoy your meal and enjoy the smell, taste, taste but above all without feeling guilty!

Et Voila!

Monday, February 28, 2011

No Gba Saves To Gpsphone

macaroni with cream of peas

fork (and pork) the other day I felt like a satisfying bowl of pasta, and then cooking, this recipe came from himself ...

Ingredients for 4 people: 300 gr

full of macaroni (or whatever you want) 7 tablespoons of peas

4cucchiai semi-skimmed milk 2 tablespoons
philadelphia balance (or light)
1 / 2 nut plant (always check without glutamate) 1 onion

a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese 1 pinch of black pepper Salt


Cook the pasta in salted water (not too much) and meanwhile put on a non-stick pan with chopped onion 3 / 4 tablespoons of water. When the water is absorbed add the peas and 1 cup and a half of water. Also add the nuts and stir occasionally until the water is again evaporated. At this point add 4 tablespoons of milk and a stir ... pinch of salt if necessary, if the die is salt-free as it was mine! When the milk is absorbed the final touch to philadelphia .. 2cucchiai balance (or light). Transfer the mug is a high-sided, that of the blender and blend without mercy! Here everything is ready, fry the pasta with this delicious cream on each plate and add a sprinkling of Parmesan cheese and pepper ..... do not be surprised if they ask you if there is cream ..... Et voila!