Today I propose a recipe for cookies without eggs, dairy products will therefore suitable for those who are intolerant and vegan.
biscuit carrots
Ingredients 250 grams of flour 4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons olive oil
half a bag of baking
3 medium sized carrots
Getting Started : boil the carrots, frullatele and let cool.
the flour (with baking powder) in a fountain. Put in half the oil and melt the sugar, stirring with a fork.
Now add the carrot puree and begin to knead.
If while kneading the mixture is too mushy, add the flour. The dough is ready when you come off easily by hand. Then put it in the refrigerator wrapped in foil for about an hour.
Roll out the dough with a rolling pin. The mixture should be thin enough. I have laid on a sheet of baking paper to avoid stuck to the table. Not having the dough eggs is softer than the crust traditional.
Now cut the dough as you like. I used my new Ikea molds.
Bake cookies in preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes. Check the cooking because it varies depending on the size of biscuits. My parents were very small.
When they are ready sprinkle with icing sugar.
You can use the same mixture for making a tart.
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