Friday, November 5, 2010

Nose Broken Capillaries

time of vegan carrot soup

The soup that I propose today is made with chickpeas and blacks, again from the light Store.
If you can not find the traditional ones are also fine.


Serves 2
200 grams of chickpeas blacks
1 can of peeled tomatoes 500 ml vegetable broth

oil, salt

Getting Started: Soak the chickpeas night in cold water. Drain and boil in broth for about 45 minutes.

In a high-sided pan fry the onion. When it is golden, add the spinach (I used frozen ones, if you used them before for fresh Boil a few minutes).

After some minutes add the peeled tomatoes. Add a ladle of vegetable stock, season with salt and cook 10 minutes.

Pour the chickpeas into the pan with the vegetable broth in which you have cooked. Cook another 20 minutes.

A trickle of olive oil and the soup is ready!


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