Thursday, February 10, 2011

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The Universal History of Disney cartoon with Corriere della Sera, Sergio Toppi

E 'useful to keep an eye on the newsstands in the coming days because there is an incoming interesting news for comic fans and fans of Disney.

fact Il Corriere della Sera with La Gazzetta dello Sport is launching a new collection of comics from 22 February 2011. This is from Disney The Universal History, 34 volumes to go back the history of mankind from prehistoric times to travel into space along with Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy and other characters in the band unleashed Disney.

The first release, the volume I Paleopaperi , is the introductory offer price of 1.99 € February 22, the following outputs are distributed every Tuesday at a price of 7.99 €.

More information is available in the encyclopedia of Slumberland board dedicated to Disney Universal History .


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